Thursday, May 30, 2024

Luke 1:26-38

The TRUTH About The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ| by Uzziah Israel

Get your Bible out, dust it off, open it up, and follow along, IF you want to know the TRUTH about God's word (The Holy Bible; Scriptures), if you don't want to know biblical truth, then continue searching for whatever it is you're looking for.             pregnant virgin conceived without a man's seed (sperm)? 

The following questions MUST be asked and answered correctly and truthfully before we can understand the TRUTH about the popular, misunderstood, and false belief about the "Virgin Birth" of Jesus and about his mother Mary being a pregnant virgin who got pregnant by God's Holy Spirit, and not by man (her husband Joseph) seed or sperm, the way EVERY woman conceives and gets pregnant according to God's laws, commandments (to be fruitful and multiply in the book of Genesis) and according to man's (men and women) reproductive gender organs, which their/man's Creator God designed to reproduce human life (the same applies to the male and female animal species as well).

1. Why didn't God create Eve 1st–who was the 1st woman–who gave birth to the 1st male baby, child, man, and human being (Cain, with the seed or sperm of man–Adam her husband)?

2. Why didn't Eve have a "Virgin Birth", and give birth to Adam her husband, or Cain her first born son; since Eve was created/born from Adam–one of his ribs?

3. Why did God create a man if He was going to allow a woman to get pregnant without a man's seed or sperm?

4. Why didn't God just create one human being (a female; a woman), whom He would allow to have children via His Holy Spirit only?

5. Why did God command Adam & Eve to be fruitful and multiply?

Meaning: They were sexually intimate with each other, Eve conceived or got pregnant, and had or gave birth to all of her babies or children as a result of a sexual relationship with her husband.

6.  And, why did and has man obeyed this commandment until this day–to be fruitful and multiple via sexual intercourse?

7. Wasn't the 1st man (Adam) the most important man that ever lived? 

Because, Adam was the 1st man (human being; person) created. And, if Adam did not exist or was not created, then God would not have had to create a female help mate (Eve) as a companion and wife for Adam; and humanity (the human race; human beings) would not exist (including Christ Jesus). No Adam & Eve = No offspring; no children; no linage; no bloodline; no additional human beings, NO Savior to Save anyone (since Adam & Eve had sinned and became sinners and couldn't save anyone (including themselves), and no Bible for us to read about all of this, because their wouldn't be a need for it. God would have just forgiven Adam & Eve for their sins every time they sinned, repented and asked Him to do so. Or God would have continually destroyed and recreated human life for all eternity, or until He didn't want children who sinned anymore.

"Food for thought, which "Truth Seekers" should seriously consider."

Transcript Copy

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May God help and bless you with the wisdom and Holy Spirit of God needed to understand Him and His word (The Holy Bible; Scriptures; The Truth). Amen. HalleluYAH!
"Thy word is truth"–John 17:17/KJV Bible

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Have Faith In God!

"No matter the cost, and no matter the cross."

We need to understand, that God will and must test our faith to develop our faith, prepare us for His work and eternal kingdom, and to show us what's inside of us (our heart, mind, body, or soul), which we may or may not be aware of; may be denying or hiding the truth from ourselves and others; and which we may need to...

- Change,
- Get rid of, 
- Improve,  
- Replace, 
- Fix,  
- Admit to,
- Expose,
- Accept, 
- Confess,
- Acknowledge,
...and or share with someone or others (including God) no matter what it is (good or bad; right or wrong; sinful or righteous; honest or dishonest; legal or illegal; secret or overt; the truth or a lie; etc.). 

Even when we go through the "Silent Seasons" of God, which is when we pray, and pray, and pray; wait patiently for what seems like, or maybe a lengthy or long amount of time, but God doesn't answer us like we want, need, or expect Him to, or even when we really need Him to. 

Well, just know and be encouraged, that we are  not alone or the only ones that God allows to go through His silent seasons–EVERYONE (saved or unsaved; believers or nonbelievers) experiences God's silent seasons at some point and time in our lives; especially when we hit rock bottom, have an emergency, our faith has gotten smaller than a "Mustard Seed", and we need a Miricle ASAP to save us from whatever; we need to hear from God by answering our prayer(s) before it's too late and we abandon our faith in Him. 


"God may not come when we want Him to, but he's always on time." HalleluYAH! (Praise God!–Yahweh–a.k.a Jehovah)

I hope the video below will encourage and bless you as it has for me. Amen. 


 HHNO (Help Helps Nonprofit Organization) and TPSCA (The Problem Solver, CA) services does not promote any beliefs, advice, recommendations, or teaching of this video or any other videos of its author/publisher (Melody Alisa), which is not biblical (not in agreement with God's word–The Holy Bible; Scriptures; its teachings, commandments, and messages of truth and facts). 

This video's sole purpose is to share the inspiring message of biblical truth with others, to allow God to encourgae His people and answer their questions of... 

- Why won't God hear and answer my prayer(s)?

- Why is God giving me the silent treatment?

- Did God abandon or forsake me?

- Did I do, or am I doing something wrong (that I am not aware of)?

- Is God angry with me, or punishing me for some reason?

- Etc.  

Viewers are to view this video's message at your own discretion and research prayerfully and thoroughly its truth and facts as stated in The Holy Bible (the KJV–King James Version Bible is a prefered bible choice by many, including myself for various reasons, but you can use the most accurate bible of your choice also, which works for you). Amen.

New Homeless City Coming!...Click here and read about it!

New Homeless City Coming!...Click here and read about it!
Help And Housing For The Homeless At Last. Hallelujah!

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Hallelujah! (Praise God)-Yahweh (Hebrew); Jehovah (English)

Praise And Worship The One And Only TRUE Living God, Creator of The Heavens And The Earth, Savior of Mankind (via His Son Christ Jesus), etc. Amen!. Give Him ALL The Glory, Honor And Praise Now And Forever Amen!

If You Don't Know Him. Get To Know Him TODAY! Seek Him And You Will Find Him (via His Holy Word "The Holy Bible" (King James Version/KJV), Truth, Your Heart, Conscious; His Creations, etc. PRAY for His Help, Guidance, Blessings, Forgiveness, Wisdom, Joy, Peace, Protection, Love, etc. Read and Live "The Holy Bible" (King James Version/KJV) DAILY. Amen!