Saturday, April 25, 2015

Homeless To Work And Into Housing

If not now, then when? If not you, then who will help them?

Homelesspreneurs are Homeless Entrepreneurs who have started a business or who are utilizing their talents, skills, and abilities to support themselves while homeless (living on the streets, in shelters or with someone). 

It's time to put the homeless to work and into housing. This means getting them off welfare, off of the streets and out of shelters where the stay or live. The help that they need is urgent. We've tried the old "Give to charity and let them deal with the indigent and homeless method". Has it worked? Has anything changed?

Now, it's to try something new. We've procrastinated long enough and the homeless are still homeless and without jobs (or sufficient income to support themselves). When will we as a people (Country, Religious believers, Politicians, etc.) stop denying, pretending and overlooking the fact, that our streets, towns, communities, cities, states, and country have a problem with homelessness? How many homeless men, women, children, teens, and families will we allow to live and die on the streets (your street/our streets) each day while we do nothing to help them, house them, employ them and pray for them. Is the reason that we do nothing is that we don't care? Or, is it that we do not have the time and or the means to get involved and help resolve the problem? Well, whatever the reason, someone is going to have to step up to the plate and get the problem resolved because it is not going to go away by itself. 

"But whoso hath this worlds goods, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"-1 John 3:17/KJV Bible

"He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again."-Proverbs 19:17/KJV Bible 

Have you done this too?

This Could Be Your Family Members or Friends!

Thank you for doing your part!

New Homeless City Coming!...Click here and read about it!

New Homeless City Coming!...Click here and read about it!
Help And Housing For The Homeless At Last. Hallelujah!

Via Postal Mail:

HHNO Business Address:
600 Lincoln Avenue
Unit #92187
Pasadena, CA 91109
Attn: Sister Lisa Myers/TPSCA

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Hallelujah! (Praise God)-Yahweh (Hebrew); Jehovah (English)

Praise And Worship The One And Only TRUE Living God, Creator of The Heavens And The Earth, Savior of Mankind (via His Son Christ Jesus), etc. Amen!. Give Him ALL The Glory, Honor And Praise Now And Forever Amen!

If You Don't Know Him. Get To Know Him TODAY! Seek Him And You Will Find Him (via His Holy Word "The Holy Bible" (King James Version/KJV), Truth, Your Heart, Conscious; His Creations, etc. PRAY for His Help, Guidance, Blessings, Forgiveness, Wisdom, Joy, Peace, Protection, Love, etc. Read and Live "The Holy Bible" (King James Version/KJV) DAILY. Amen!