Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Homelesspreneurs Wanted

What Are Homelesspreneurs?

Homelesspreneurs are Homeless Entrepreneurs who have started a business or who are utilizing their talents, skills and abilities to support themselves while homeless (living on the streets, in shelters or with someone).

Help Helps Organization recruits and educates the homeless on how to use what they have (whether it's knowledge, education, skills, talent, money, opportunity, assets, etc.) to continue or begin the self-supported lifestyle they are a custom to or new to. HHO purpose is to recycle (if we may use this term without offence) the homeless population and restore them to the society in which they live. Our services are free, because "We Trust in God" to provide ALL of our needs and to support His work. Our goal is to reduce greatly, eliminate, or END completely homelessness where we live and worldwide (God willing–and He is).

"United We Stand; Divided We fall."-Aesop

That said, we are asking any and all who are visiting our website and reading our various humanitarian project posts to make an effort to get involved and contribute (in any way that you can or as God places it upon your hearts) to help us and the homeless fight homelessness in America and the world. For we believe that each one can reach one and more, if we try our best to do so. So, please pray and ask God to tell or show you what His will and plan is for your life in helping to END homelessness and hunger in your community; city; state; country; and or in the world. Amen.

Homelesspreneurs Services are (but are not limited to) the following:

-Business Development
-Employment Transportation
-Business Consultation
-Housing Placement Assistance
-Small Business Loans (qualified recipients)
-Employment Clothing Vouchers
-Access to HHO's Business Center & Library Resources
-and more...

"All Things Are Possible To Them That Believe"-Mark 9:23/KJV

New Homeless City Coming!...Click here and read about it!

New Homeless City Coming!...Click here and read about it!
Help And Housing For The Homeless At Last. Hallelujah!

Via Postal Mail:

HHNO Business Address:
600 Lincoln Avenue
Unit #92187
Pasadena, CA 91109
Attn: Sister Lisa Myers/TPSCA

Contact US


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Hallelujah! (Praise God)-Yahweh (Hebrew); Jehovah (English)

Praise And Worship The One And Only TRUE Living God, Creator of The Heavens And The Earth, Savior of Mankind (via His Son Christ Jesus), etc. Amen!. Give Him ALL The Glory, Honor And Praise Now And Forever Amen!

If You Don't Know Him. Get To Know Him TODAY! Seek Him And You Will Find Him (via His Holy Word "The Holy Bible" (King James Version/KJV), Truth, Your Heart, Conscious; His Creations, etc. PRAY for His Help, Guidance, Blessings, Forgiveness, Wisdom, Joy, Peace, Protection, Love, etc. Read and Live "The Holy Bible" (King James Version/KJV) DAILY. Amen!